Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Frank Sinatra had it Half Way Right….

In last week’s post I mentioned that I had lived in New York City for a period of time last year.  I feel that this is the appropriate time to expand on that and tell you a bit more of the story.

I had moved there for love and the promise of a new exciting chapter in my life.  I was happy.  

Everything leading up to the move seemingly fell right into place.  I was able to rent out my house to an acquaintance with zero effort, my parents willingly offered to help with the move, and I didn't even have to look for a new job because my company was going to let me work from my apartment in NYC!!!  I was positive this was a sign of good things to come.

Sometimes good things happen to good people, and when they do, we are overcome with a sense of justification that our hard work and endured struggles have finally paid off.  The Universe is finally throwing us that home run pitch, and all we have to do is swing. 

This wasn't one of those times. 

New York City, otherwise known as the only place in the world where it’s completely acceptable to live with three other people in a 1,000 sq. ft. apartment when you’re 32 years old.  This was quite an adjustment from my 1,000 sq. ft. house that I own and have all to myself.  On top of that, our monthly rent was $2,800.  No joke.

The constant smell of garbage permeates the thick air EVERY day.  It begins to become amusing to sit outside on the apartment building steps every night and watch the rats scurry from one garbage pile to another for their daily meal. 

Nobody has central air because most of the buildings are too old and landlords are too cheap.

Don’t even get me started on the worst cable service in the world ~ yes, it’s worse than Comcast. 
Dogs poop on the sidewalk (because there isn't any grass).

The below ground subway platforms are hotter than Death Valley.  No air circulation, just dead…hot…stagnant…“air”.  But the rats like it down there so I can only assume it’s for their comfort.

The NYPD generally abide by a shoot first ask questions later philosophy.  On top of that, most are a pretty bad shot.

Let’s not forget, NYC is also home to the rudest, meanest, most self involved, completely oblivious people you’ll ever meet (actually not meet, but physically run into)…and the Yankees.  If they’re not any of those things, they’re generally just plain weird. 

Don’t get me wrong, there were good things.  Like 24 hour food delivery. 

And I must give the city props for having the least aggressive bums I've ever encountered.  For the most part they just sit there and keep to themselves.    

End rant.

1 comment:

  1. OMG! I have family that lives in NYC, and I thought I was the only one that wasn't totally in love with the city. So different than Sex in the City portrayl, no?
