Monday, May 27, 2013

1 + 1 = A Big Fat Pain in the Ass!

There’s no question that relationships take work.  However, the current divorce statistics would suggest that most couples decide it’s not worth the effort after they pop out a couple of kids, the newness wares off, and reality sets in.  I’m not sure I blame them, but then why go through the hassle of getting married?  You’re certainly not doing me any favors.

I think it’s kind of unfair that I go to your weddings, buy you gifts.  Go to your baby showers, buy you gifts.  Spend a small fortune celebrating your life events, and then you have the balls to get divorced?!?!  There should be some kind of money back guarantee for these things! 

Quite frankly, I think it should be the other way around.  You buy me gifts for NOT getting married, for managing NOT to get knocked up and imposing my spawn on society, and being able to take care of myself without requiring any kind of government assistance.  But hey, what do I know?      

I was raised to believe that marriage is a forever kind of deal.  I had great examples to follow while I was growing up, and I've seen that it can actually be done.  However, I don’t think it’s for everyone. 

The thought of legally binding myself to ONE person “until death do us part”…the idea of only sleeping with the same person for the rest of my life…no wonder so many marriages end in murder.  These are scary concepts! 

Hell, when I found out that my accidental pet kitties could live to be 20 years old, I totally freaked out!  Somehow I had no idea that cats lived that long, and I briefly considered taking them to the humane society.  And let it be known that I like animals way better than people.  At the time (six years ago), 20 years seemed like a pretty big commitment that I didn't know if I was ready for. 

Don’t worry, I kept the cats and learned to love their furry, expensive, at times a bit stinky, little… faces.  I imagine arranged marriages kind of work the same way?

I just can’t help but wonder if we’re fighting human nature by committing our lives to only ONE other individual.   

I’m not suggesting that everyone go out and have affairs (although there are websites that specialize in that very concept), or that an “alternative” lifestyle is the answer either.  Nevertheless, asking someone to be completely faithful to one person for the rest of their lives is a pretty huge expectation.  In reality, I honestly don’t know too many people that are very good at it anyway.  As a society, do we have unrealistic expectations of love?        


  1. I'm glad you kept the kitties! :) & I think many people think the same thing about a "money back" concept. I have heard of couples who have wedding showers that don't end up going through with the wedding and they returned all the gifts and money to everyone.

  2. Hey.....I bought you an iron & even gift wrapped it for you just because you are my friend well that & because you were a bit wrinkly =)

  3. I am approaching the wedding afte wedding stage in my life an I am not ready to be a bridesmaid that many times!

  4. I think you should throw yourself a party for sure! Taking care of yourself and being independent is definitely something worth celebrating!
